Since COVID-19 has become the new normal for a while, many people have lost their loved ones. While for most Hong Kongers like us, we might not notice how lucky we are, that the worst scenario is just being so fed up with the constantly changing social distancing policy with no dining out after 6pm (of course I don't mean this is a reasonable thing to do). Meanwhile some minorities with disabilities suffer a lot more in everyday life.
Why VR porn matters to the minorities but it's way underrated?
With my interest in gender issues, I’ve read few profound articles about how VR Porn has helped the elderly, people with disabilities, those who live far away from their spouses due to quarantine, border closing or medical duties. I found this really meaningful and inspiring how technology could help everyone to satisfy basic but neglected human needs like sex satisfaction. However, VR porn alone isn’t a digital issue yet thus I tweaked my topic to porn consumption.
Once I started my research, it’s shocking to find out how easy it is to find porn on the internet now (compared to my old days in web 2.0!) by just one click. I started to think whether the popularity of porn is one of the factors that potentially caused sexual assault or some twisted, unhealthy relationships?
Is porn doing good or bad to adults? And teens?
It’s still arguable whether adult content is doing more good or more bad for adults, but it’s quite likely to influence the underaged kids negatively. This motivates me to find out more and come to another realization on how young these kids nowadays are exposed to porn. From targeting the teens originally, I switched to targeting parents because I believe they are responsible for their guidance role by offering positive sex education before porn does. And we all know it’s almost possible to change a teenager’s behavior this way.
I encountered a parental control software named Net Nanny and a similar project named Fight the New Drug. Stay tuned with my research findings and ideas I've generated.